Graduate Programs
Length of Program-36 credits (12 courses)
Leads to NYS Professional Certificate in School District Leadership and NYS Initial Certificate in School Building Leadership
MESTRACT Tuition (as of 9/18/23) $1,245 per 3 credit course
Teaching and Learning with Technology
Advanced Graduate Certificate Program - 15 credits (5 courses)
STEAM Micro Credential - 9 credits (3 courses)
Teaching and Learning with Technology Micro Credential - 6 credits (2 courses)
MESTRACT Tuition (as of 9/18/23) $941 per 3 credit course
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Individual Pathway
Length of Program-15 credits or 5 courses
MESTRACT Tuition (as of 9/18/23) $941 per 3 credit course
Courses are approved for NYS TESOL Certification (may require additional requirements, please apply individual pathway through TEACH)